Large billboard that was above the AKA gallery and part of the PAVED art series. The billboard was put up in conjunction with the “Stronger than Stone” symposium in both Calgary and the Wanuskewin Heritage Park. The piece features a graphic novel aesthetic with what appears to be an Indigenous warrior woman/superhero in the centre with a speach bubble saying “stop the silence.” “The concept of Warrior Woman began as a memorial for my late mother, Lorraine Longman, (Mar. 29, 1949 – Dec. 24, 2012). It evolved into a larger theme of Indigenous Genocide in North America. Lorraine’s legacy was the earned title of, “the toughest chick in the hood.” Having survived regular beatings in residential school, that culminated in a severe head injury at the age of 8, she was left with a life-long disability of grand mal epilepsy and premature dementia and could no longer attend school or work in her adulthood.”

Warrior Woman: Stop the Silence
State / Province