On Monday, November 26, 2012 the stained glass piece titled “Giniigaaniimenaaning” was installed and unveiled in Ottawa. The stained glass window in Centre Block of Parliament was commissioned to recognize the survivors of Indian Residential Schools and their families, as well as the Prime Minister’s historic Apology in 2008.The story begins in the bottom left corner of the glass, with your eye moving upwards in the left panel to the top window, and flowing down the right window to the bottom right corner. The glass design tells a story. It is a story of Aboriginal people, with our ceremonies, languages, and cultural knowledge intact; through the darkness of the residential school era; to an awakening sounded by a drum; an apology that spoke to the heart; hope for reconciliation; transformation and healing through dance, ceremony, language; and resilience into the present day.
The title of the piece is “Giniigaaniimenaaning” translated into English means, “Looking Ahead”. The title is in Anishinaabemowin (Ojibway) and includes, within the deeper meaning of the word, the idea that everyone is included and we are all looking ahead for the ones “unborn”.