Part of House of Wayward Spirits series. At least two artists, Stimson and Belmore, did poublic outdoor interventions. From the Toronto Star: In at least two cases at “House of Wayward Spirits,” facing up will be as much accident as choice. On Canada Day, Belmore will be building what Nanibush describes as an “anti-monument,” out in the open and in public, on the grounds of Queen’s Park. While details are slight, Nanibush has a sense of what to expect. “Rebecca’s just political,” she says. “There’s no way around it.”
The day before, Stimson will have made his own impression on the legislature grounds with a campy, critical spectacle: the celebration of the “coal jubilee” of one of his favourite personas, Buffalo Boy, at the foot of the statue of Queen Victoria.
Buffalo Boy’s Coal Jubilee
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